Playboy centerfold A Z list Page 4. The new girls are pretty, but they are fashion models. Asa Softball Colorado Fireworks. Game Perfect Wedding more. They are not the girl next door. Playboy still does not get it. They do not understand what made them the icon that they used to be. The Carter 3 Rapidshare Download Forum' title='The Carter 3 Rapidshare Download Forum' />L y b e r t y. June 28. Presentation Delia Derbyshire is one of the earliest and most influential electronic sound synthesists. She was musically active from 1962 until the mid seventies. Playboy means pretty girls, approachable girls, voluptuous girls, NAKED girls. Not Hustler, Not Penthouse, but not Elle or Vogue or Sports Illustrated. The Carter 3 Rapidshare Download Forum' title='The Carter 3 Rapidshare Download Forum' />Their formula worked for so many years and they ran off and changed it to something far inferior. These new girls are pretty, but generic. Hef is clearly senile and has lost control of the company and the brand. Hope his young son can recapture the vision. Go back and look at the 1. Look at even as recently as the past few years Jessica Ashley, Elizabeth Agnes, Allisa Arce just to name several had that spark, beauty, and sex appeal that does not exist anywhere else. And yes, you need to show them naked, the way the Good Lord made them.