Who is online In total there are 8 users online 2 registered, 0 hidden and 6 guests based on users active over the past 5 minutes Most users ever online was 470. Launchpad Mc. Quack Disney Wiki. Launchpad Mc. Quack is a featured article, which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. RspXtLZDVJU/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Ragnarok Cash Point Hack' title='Ragnarok Cash Point Hack' />Magica De Spell is a major villain from the Scrooge McDuck comics, created by Carl Barks. An. Blade Soul Hangul RR Beulleideu aen soul is a Korean fantasy martialarts massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by. After six episodes that have been incredible, infuriating, revealing, confusing, and epic, last nights Game of Thrones finale had a great many things to answer for. 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The largest network of nude patches and nude mods for all popular games. Instant download and detailed guides on installation for all nude skins. The Disney Afternoon Live Plane Crazy. Mickeys Magical TV World. Fantasmic Other names. L. P. by Darkwing DuckPersonality. Loyal, clumsy, kind, brave, dim witted, heroic, daring, flamboyant, adventurous, comical, cool, accident prone, happy go lucky, helpful, self confident, witty. Appearance. Tall, muscular duck, red hair, blue eyes, bulky chin by his orange bill, white feathers, Both rust colored pilot coat and helmet, cream scarf, tan knickerbockers, both brown belt and boots. Goal. To serve Scrooge Mc. Duck Duck. TalesTo assist Darkwing Duck Darkwing DuckAllies. Scrooge Mc. Duck, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, Doofus Drake, Webby Vanderquack, Fenton Crackshell, Gyro Gearloose, Betina Beakley, Duckworth, Bubba the Cave. Duck, Donald Duck, Darkwing Duck, Gosalyn Mallard, Honker Muddlefoot, Morgana Mc. Cawber. Enemies. Magica De Spell, Beagle Boys, Ma Beagle, Flintheart Glomgold, Major Courage, Armstrong, F. O. W. L., Negaduck, Bushroot, Liquidator, Quackerjack, Megavolt, Steelbeak, Tuskernini, Solego the Chaos God, Toth Ra. Ragnarok Cash Point Hack' title='Ragnarok Cash Point Hack' />Likes. Helping his friends, flying, plane crashes, food. Dislikes. Getting fired, crime, threats. QuoteAny crash you can walk away from is a good crashAw, family truly is the greatest adventure ofOH NO, THE GROUNDIm a pilotIf its got wings, I can crash itLaunchpad Mc. QuacksrcLaunchpad Mc. Quack is a pilot introduced in Disneys 1. Duck. Tales and later featured in its 1. Darkwing Duck. He works for Scrooge Mc. Duck as his pilot and later became Darkwing Ducks sidekick in the later show. Background. Personality. A lovable doofus, Launchpad Mc. Quack may seem absent minded, yet despite often making mistakes, he always gets his assigned task done competently in the end and as such, he is a valuable helper for Scrooge Mc. Duck, despite often irritating Scrooge with his ignorance. He is a gentle giant, and also very charming and witty. Additionally, Launchpad remains calm and positive in extreme and intense scenarios, never panicking or losing his cool. In fact, the only thing that comes close to scaring Launchpad are Scrooges temper tantrums. He gets on with Webbigail, Huey, Dewey, and Louie very well, and is fiercely protective of them, in fact, if the duckling quartet are endangered, he employs his finest piloting skills towards rescuing them. He is also very popular with the ladies. Physical appearance. Launchpad is an anthropomorphic drake, and is one of the tallest and bulkiest anthropomorphic animals to grace the Disneyverse, rivaling Pete. He dresses like a pilot, with a scarf, goggles, a helmet, baggy pants, boots designed for big, webbed feet, a belt, and leather jacket. Launchpad also has an imposing, athletic physique, with a narrow waist, deep rib cage and generally thicker limbs than most other Disney characters, making him the muscle in Scrooges and any other teams he is a part of. Appearances. Launchpad in the original Duck. Tales. Launchpads first appearance was in Part 3 of the pilot movie The Treasure of the Golden Suns, where he is hired by Gyro Gearloose and Scrooge Mc. Duck to fly the latter to the Land of the Golden Suns in Gyros newest helicopter, the Condor. Since then, he made recurring appearances in many episodes, mainly when Scrooge needed a pilot to fly him somewhere and could not look anywhere else, as Launchpad has worked for Scrooges favorite price, which was next to nothing. Launchpad is known to be best friends with a youngster named Doofus Drake, a roly poly duckling who tags along with him on many adventures and has been considered by Launchpad to be his sidekick. Doofus looks up to Launchpad like a big brother and considers him a great pilot and a real hero. According to the episode Launchpads First Crash, Launchpad built his first plane, the Sun Chaser, by himself, and he was hired by Scrooge Mc. Duck as a youngster to fly to the Thick of It Rain Forest to help him locate the Lost City of Diamonds. At that point, Launchpad had a rate 1. Scrooge. Since that adventure, Launchpad and Scrooge became an inseparable team. Launchpad has had his chance to be a hero on many counts, such as in Armstrong, when Scrooge and Gyro were held captive by Gyros new robot Armstrong, who was seizing control of the world, one Armed Forces base at a time. Huey, Dewey, and Louie raced to Launchpads place to get his help when they discovered that they needed backup to stop Armstrong. Launchpad offered to fly them in aboard his Joyrider, which, according to Launchpad, had no fancy electronics within, so Armstrong couldnt take control of it. After crashing atop Gyros barn which is what he did best, Launchpad tried to sneak in, but was hindered by Armstrong. A chase ensued and ended as Launchpad tried to escape to his plane, but was grabbed at the ankle by Armstrong. As he was pulled down, Launchpad grabbed the release lever for his Joyriders water tank and that water cascaded on Armstrong and shorted him out. Launchpad with his family. During the episode Top Duck, Launchpad revealed that his family was a group of stunt performers called The Flying Mc. Quacks, but Launchpad always felt that he disappointed his family and, as such, he ran away to pursue his dream of being the best pilot in the world. When his family wrote him and said that they were coming to visit, Launchpad felt that he couldnt face them, especially his father Ripcord, because he believed that his father was the reason he had run away from home. Near the end, the Flying Mc. Quacks helped Launchpad and Scrooge defeat the Beagle Boys and save the Money Bin. Ripcord finally told his son that he was proud of him but Launchpad had never let him finish any of his sentences. Launchpads adventures have also revealed the story of his great great grandfather General Rhubarb Mc. Quack, who fought in the Union who he heard was the war hero that won the Battle of Duckridge. After meeting the actual soldiers who participated in the war under the service of General Rhubarb, Launchpad, Doofus and Huey, Dewey, Louie decided to give the long forgotten army who went by the name of Mc. Quacks Marauders a chance to fight the confederate again. During the reenactment, the nephews and Doofus rigged it so that the actual Marauders participated, taking on the businessman and his actors who played the Union soldiers, although they mostly fought with shock tactics and throwing pies. Settlers Of Catan Computer Game here. Even though Launchpad almost cost Mc. Quacks Marauders their redemption, the tide turned in their favor when he had sent their battle vessel, known as the Merryquack, rolling into battle and overwhelming the enemy. Afterwards, Doofus and the nephews are glad to see that Launchpad has redeemed his familys honor and the citizens of Duckridge are humbled to learn that UNION veterans are still alive, to which they vow never again to ridicule the war while allowing the veterans to rejoin society, so that they can retire in honor. Launchpad serves a minor role as Scrooges pilot to the ruins of Collie Baba a parody of Ali Baba, where Scrooge is after the legendary thiefs treasure. Launchpad with Darkwing.