Mo Creatures v. Minecraft 1. Minecraft Mods Mapping and Modding Java Edition Minecraft Forum. Compatible with Minecraft 1. This Mod adds more creatures to the game. Nokia Store Sis Download there. We have a new website Please check it here http mocreatures. Dont forget to check my other mod Dr. Minecraft Griefing Client 1.4.7' title='Minecraft Griefing Client 1.4.7' />Download For Minecraft Client Hacks For 1. Nodus GREIFING D Hack DOWNLOAD IN DESCRIPTION GamingNinjaTaco. Minecraft griefing. All users will need to merge their Minecraft Forum account with a new or existing Twitch account starting October 23rd. You can merge your accounts by clicking here. H8ohTB34k.jpg' alt='Minecraft Griefing Client 1.4.7' title='Minecraft Griefing Client 1.4.7' />Zharks Magic Carpet Mod. The Mo. Creatures official server is back at play. Mo. Creatures server https discord. EOr try the first original MoCreatures server We dont longer maintain it ourselves. You can check this servers IP address and required mods at http www. Download the Mod Minecraft version 1. MoCreatures 1. 2. Download the Nodus hacked client for Minecraft with OptiFine. Nodus is a popular Minecraft hack that gives you extra abilities like xray, wallhack, fly etc. YEAR OLD Gets Upset Part 12 Minecraft Griefing Duration 3458. Minecraft 1. 7. 2 1. Hacked Client MATIX A bit of Awesomeness This is the Tekkit modded Minecraft servers list. The use of Tekkit will give you a new way of playing the game. As they say The greatest mod content for. Minecraft Server Lijst Minecraft Private Server List. The Holy server IP 91. Voten Server info Website Welkom bij deze server voor. Minecraft Nodus Hacked Client 1. Download OptifineScetch 2013 July. Best voting list to find IP addresses to hundreds of free to play Top 1. Minecraft Servers. Top VIdeos. Warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach in srvusersserverpilotappsjujaitalypublicindex. Requires Custom. Mob. Spawner 3. 1. Forge 1. Minecraft version 1. MoCreatures 1. 0. Requires Custom. Mob. Spawner 3. 1. Forge 1. Minecraft version 1. MoCreatures 8. 2. Requires Custom. Mob. Spawner 3. 6. Forge 1. Minecraft version 1. MoCreatures 8. 1. Requires Custom. Mob. Spawner 3. 5. Forge 1. Minecraft version 1. MoCreatures 6. 3. Requires Custom. Mob. Spawner 3. 3. Forge 1. You can support my work via www. Dr. Zharkor donating via paypal. Known bugs How to Install MoCreatures Mod Minecraft 1. Install Forge using the installer. Launch the game using the Forge profile. Exit the game. 3. Copy the Mo. Creatures. Custom. Spawner. zip into the. Play Make sure your profile is set to ForgePre Minecraft 1. Download the files linked above. Please make a backup of your minecraft. Forge unzip the. GUI Api just copy the. Delete the META INF folder in the minecraft. Mo. Creatures. zip and Custom. Spawner. zip files inside your. Play. You can watch this video explaining how to install the mod v. The. GofamediamediaAnd this one that explains how to set up a server with MoCreatures 5. This video shows how to install Mo. Creatures 5. 1. 5 on Mac thanks to michaelsmilesmediamediaPixel. Paper. Craft has a section for MoCreaturesPrevious Videos. This video explains how to transfer your pets from Minecraft 1. Spanish and explains most of the features of MoCreatures mediamediaThis video shows the New Big Cats and Manticores. Change Log. 1. 0. Cats and pet amulet bug animals can be tamed by riding them again fixed Jellyfish crashing bug fixed bug that made wyverns revert back to mother wyvern exorcised Aquatic animals crashing bugs Tamed Ligers can obtain wings by receiving an essence of light1. Ents were planting flowers fixed game crashing bug with Mo. CPet. Names fixed game crashing bug with Pet. Amulets fixed Mo. Creatures tab name fixed Mammoth Platform name bunnies can be tamed again small creatures can be picked up again fixed light blue kitty bed icon fixed amulets and fish nets Big. Cats move faster fixed bug with inventories of Big. Cats, Horses fixed bug with entities moving sideways fixed duplicating item bug when using item on off hand fixed animation bug with aquatic entities receiving damage Bears can now be tamed by giving meats to cubs Bears can now be ridden and given chests Split bears into separate entities Split ogres into separate entities medium fish were split into separate entities small fish were split into separate entities hybrid big cats are now separate entities sorted eggs1. Updated for Minecraft 1. Beta release8. 1. Cybercat. 55. 55 Leoger between leopard and tiger, Panthger between Panther and tiger, liard between male lion and leopard and lither between panther and male lion8. Updated for MC 1. Big. Cat overhaul, split the bigcats into their own categories lions, tigers, panthers, leopards added Manticores split sting. Rays and Manta. Rays Big. Cats can be tamed by giving pork or raw fish to a cub big cats can mate by giving them pork or raw fish and keeping them in an enclosed space white lions and white tigers are a rare spawn with a 12. Tiger there is a hybrid between panther and regular leopards giving a dark essence to a panther gives it wings giving a light essence to a male lion, white male lion or liger will give it wings Manticores are a new mob, red manticores are found in the Nether, blue manticores in snowy biomes and dark and green manticores elsewhere Manticores can drop an egg, that can be hatched to obtain a pet manticore. Pet manticores can be ridden once they turn into adults There are ghost versions of the big cats that can be obtained randomly when a tamed big cat dies winged big cats, ghost big cats, hybrid big cats and manticore pets are sterile they cant breed8. A Note this is not a release ready version, for testing purposes only werewolves will receive higher damage from items weapons with silver in the unlocalized name or name of the material. They wont receive extra damage from gold weapons werewolves wont complain as much when transforming from human to werewolf form improved werewolves moving speed when hunched improved dolphin riding code turtle swimmimg animation improved piranhas move as a herd and attack differently deers will jump when fleeing from entities horses can also get ready to breed by feeding them a golden carrot turtles bunnies will not receive damage when riding a player updated ogre attack animations improved minigolem golem throwing stone accuracy added three more crab textures foxes now spawn cubs that follow adults and flee from players improved maggot animation improved ant food picking behavior added female turkeys ents now plant all the flower varieties added bear attack animation decreased frequency of goat bleets wraiths do not collide with entities, added attack animation skeletons, silver skeletons and zombies can now ride scorpions and wild wolves as well as mob horses Mo. Creature inventories can be opened by interacting with the creature while sneaking right click while pressing shift. The Mo. Creatures keys are no longer obtained by adding a chest to a creature and the crafting recipe was removed. Improved elephant animations Synchronized wyvern wing flapping animations sounds. The wing flap depending on the flight speed when ridden. Added transform animation to Wyverns Changed wyvern speed, health, attack damage so the 2nd tier wyverns are significantly better Sharkteeh can now be converted into bonemeal fixed weapon damage and enchanteability added Pet scorpion sitting behavior animation added transform animation to scorpions Pet scorpion health boosted to 4. Horse health, Horse speed Tamed Zebras shuffle again The nightmare burning effect last less than before6. Female Ostriches eggs are no longer sterile. Players must now pick up the eggs in order to hatch them. Bunnies no longer breed in the wild. In order to breed a bunny, players need to feed it a carrot at full health. Fixed Wyverns not laying eggs Fixed Pet Amulet glitch with mc. MMO Fixed Pet Amulet glitch with nametags Fixed Ray grow glitch Fixed Big. Golem dupe glitch Fixed wyverns, small fish, and medium fish not dropping the correct egg type Fixed possible client crash with Ents attacking tamed animals Added new server mocspawn admin command which allows you to spawn any type of horsewyvern instantly. This command should help server admins replace pets that go missing. Valid Horse types Tier 1 1 5 Tier 2 6 9 Tier 3 1. Tier 4 1. 6 1. Special 2. Valid Wyvern types Normal 1 4, 6 1. Mother 5 An example of spawning a Zorse would be mocspawn horse 6.