Bharathiar-University-Distance-Education-MBA-Previous-Question-Papers-2.jpg' alt='Alagappa University Mba Project Management Books' title='Alagappa University Mba Project Management Books' />Anna University Question Papers For ECE Affiliated College EC2. Radar and Navigational Aids EC2. Welcome to Part Time Courses, Part Time Diploma, Degree Courses in MBA, Management, Computers in India section. Here you will find a list of top and best part time. MADRAS UNIVERSITY DISTANCE EDUCATION CHENNAI Admissions 201617, Courses, Results, MBA, Ranking, Exam Timetable, Eligibility, Fee Structure. Proskolar is an online publishing house of peerreviewed journals in the fields of clinical, medical and pharma sciences. Optical Networks. Regulation 2. 01. Papers Third Semester 3rd 1. MA6. 35. 1 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations 3 1 0 4. EE6. 35. 2 Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation 3 1 0 4. EC6. 30. 1 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures 3 0 0 3. EC6. 30. 2 Digital Electronics 3 0 0 3. EC6. 30. 3 Signals and Systems 3 1 0 4. EC6. 30. 4 Electronic Circuits I 3 1 0 4. Fourth Semester 4th 1. MA6. 45. 1 Probability and Random Processes 3 1 0 4. EC6. 40. 1 Electronic Circuits II 3 0 0 3. EC6. 40. 2 Communication Theory 3 0 0 3. EC6. 40. 3 Electromagnetic Fields 3 1 0 4. EC6. 40. 4 Linear Integrated Circuits 3 0 0 3. EC6. 40. 5 Control System Engineering 3 0 0 3. Fifth Semester 5th EC6. Digital Communication. EC6. 50. 2 Principles of Digital Signal Processing. EC6. 50. 3 Transmission Lines and Wave Guides. GE6. 35. 1 Environmental Science and Engineering. EC6. 50. 4 Microprocessor and Microcontroller. Sixth Semester 6th MG6. Principles of Management. CS6. 30. 3 Computer Architecture. CS6. 55. 1 Computer Networks. EC6. 60. 1 VLSI Design EC6. Antenna and Wave propagation. EC6. 00. 1 Medical Electronics. EC6. 00. 2 Advanced Digital Signal Processing. CS6. 40. 1 Operating Systems. EC6. 00. 3 Robotics and Automation. Alagappa University Mba Project Management Books' title='Alagappa University Mba Project Management Books' />Alagappa University Mba Project Management BooksSeventh Semester 7th EC6. RF and Microwave Engineering. EC6. 70. 2 Optical Communication and Networks. EC6. 70. 3 Embedded and Real Time Systems. MA%2C-MCA-and-MSc-IT-Courses-etc-Karaikudi.jpg' alt='Alagappa University Mba Project Management Books' title='Alagappa University Mba Project Management Books' />Alagappa University Mba Project Management BooksEC6. Speech Processing. EC6. 00. 8 Web Technology. EC6. 00. 9 Advanced Computer Architecture. EC6. 01. 0 Electronics Packaging. EC6. 01. 1 Electro Magnetic Interference and Compatibility. EC6. 00. 4 Satellite Communication. EC6. 00. 5 Electronic Testing. EC6. 00. 6 Avionics CS6. Soft Computing. IT6. Page Maker 6.5 Software. Digital Image Processing. EC6. 01. 2 CMOS Analog IC Design. EC6. 01. 3 Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers. EC6. 01. 4 Cognitive Radio. EC6. 01. 5 Radar and Navigational Aids. EC6. 01. 6 Opto Electronic Devices. Eight Semester 8th EC6. Wireless Communication. EC6. 80. 2 Wireless Networks. EC6. 01. 7 RF System Design. SDMRotary Career Guidance Placement HRD Centre About the Centre. Quality education is all about focusing on the allround development of the students. Ashish is a management graduate from the Indian Institute of Forest Management Bhopal. Prior to joining IFMR Capital, he worked with the Business Incubation team. CS6. 00. 3 Ad hoc and Sensors Networks. GE6. 08. 2 Indian Constitution and Society. EC6. 01. 8 Multimedia Compression and Communication. GE6. 07. 5 Professional Ethics in Engineering. EC6. 01. 9 Data Converters CS6. Cryptography and Network Security. GE6. 75. 7 Total Quality Management. MG6. 07. 1 Entrepreneurship Development. MG6. 08. 8 Software Project Management. Anna University Question Paper for Civil Engineering. Download Anna university question paper for Civil Engineering CIVIL departmentbranch semester examination. Download old papers, solved question banks, important questions with answers, Model question papers, important 1. B. E B. Tech 2. Anna university Chennai, Coimbatore, TiruchirappalliTrichy, Tirunelveli and Madurai affiliated colleges. Find previous year questions papers listed subject wise below in the order first 1st, second 2nd, third 3rd, fourth 4th, fifth 5th, sixth 6th, seventh 7th and eighth 8th semesters. All documents are in PDF format for downloading. Hope this will help you in getting good marks in your semester examination. ALL THE BEST. FEEL FREE TO PUT YOUR COMMENT and REQUEST IN THE COMMENT BOX BELOW. THANK YOU. ANNA UNIVERSITY SYLLABUS             CLICK HEREAU AFFILIATED COLLEGE PAPERS       CLICK HEREAUDEPARTMENTS COLLEGE PAPERS CLICK HEREFirst  Second Semester Papers Transforms and Partial Differential Equation MA2. Environmental Science and Engineering GE 2. Applied Geology AG2. Mechanics of Solids CE2. Mechanics of Fluids CE2. Construction Techniques, Equipment Practice CE2. Surveying. I CE2. MA6. 35. 1 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations. GE6. 35. 1 Environmental Science and Engineering. CE6. 30. 1 Engineering  Geology. Don Quixote John Rutherford Pdf Download. CE6. 30. 2 Mechanics of Solids. CE6. 30. 3 Mechanics of Fluids. CE6. 30. 4 Surveying IFourth Semester 4th Numerical Methods MA2. Strength of Materials CE2. Applied Hydraulic Engineering CE2. Highway Engineering CE2. MA6. 45. 9 Numerical Methods. CE6. 40. 1 Construction Materials. CE6. 40. 2 Strength of Materials. CE6. 40. 3 Applied Hydraulic Engineering. CE6. 40. 4 Surveying  II. CE6. 40. 5 Soil Mechanics. Fifth Semester 5th Irrigation Engineering CE2. Structural Analysis I CE2. CE2. 30. 3 Railways, Airports and Harbour Engineering. Environmental Engineering I CE2. Kenya Game Park Entry Fees. Foundation Engineering CE2. Design of Reinforced Concrete Elements CE 2. Fundamental of Remote Sensing And GSI CE1. ACE6. 50. 1 Structural Analysis ICE6. Foundation Engineering. CE6. 50. 3 Environmental Engineering ICE6. Highway Engineering. CE6. 50. 5 Design of Reinforced Concrete Elements. CE6. 50. 6 Construction Techniques, Equipment and Practice Sixth Semester 6th Principle of Management MG2. CE2. 35. 1 Structural Analysis IIDesign of Steel Structures CE2. Construction Planning Scheduling CE2. Environmental Engineering II CE2. Hydrology CE2. 02. CE2. 02. 2 Cartography. CE2. 02. 3 Electronic Surveying. CE2. 02. 4 Remote Sensing Techniques and GISCE2. Architecture. Total Quality Management  GE2. GE2. 02. 3 Fundamentals of Nanoscience. Professional Ethics in Engineering Professional Ethics And Human Values GE2. GE2. 07. 1 Intellectual Property Rights IPRGE2. Indian Constitution and Society. CE6. 60. 1 Design of Reinforced Concrete Brick Masonry Structures. CE6. 60. 2 Structural Analysis IICE6. Design of Steel Structures. CE6. 60. 4 Railways, Airports and Harbour Engineering. CE6. 60. 5 Environmental Engineering IICE6. Hydrology CE6. 00. Concrete Technology. CE6. 00. 3 Remote Sensing Techniques and GISCE6. Architecture GE6. Professional Ethics in Engineering. CE6. 00. 5 Construction Planning and Scheduling. Seventh Semester 7th Municipal Solid Waste Management CE2. Ground Improvement Techniques CE2. Basics of Dynamics and Aseismic Design CE2. Air Pollution Management CE2. Design of Reinforced Concrete Brick Masonry Structures CE2. Estimation and Quantity Surveying CE2. Prestressed Concrete Structures CE2. CE2. 02. 6 Traffic Engineering and Management. CE2. 02. 7 Housing Planning and Management. CE2. 02. 8 Ground Water Engineering. CE2. 02. 9 Management of Irrigation Systems. CE2. 03. 0 Coastal Zone Management. CE2. 03. 1 Water Resources Engineering. CE2. 03. 2 Pavement Engineering. GE2. 07. 3 Contract Laws and Regulations. CE2. 03. 4 Introduction to Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations. CE2. 03. 5 Rock Engineering. CE2. 03. 6 Environmental Impact Assessment of Civil Engineering Projects. CE2. 03. 7 Industrial Waste Management. CE2. 04. 0 Ecological Engineering. CE6. 70. 1 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. CE6. 70. 2 Prestressed Concrete Structures. CE6. 70. 3 Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering. CE6. 00. 6 Traffic Engineering and Management. CE6. 00. 7 Housing Planning and Management. CE6. 00. 8 Groundwater Engineering. CE6. 00. 9 Water Resources Systems Analysis. CE6. 01. 0 Pavement Engineering. EN6. 80. 1 Environmental Impact Assessment. EN6. 70. 4 Industrial Waste Management. CE6. 01. 1 Air Pollution Management. EN6. 50. 1 Municipal Solid Waste Management. CE6. 01. 2 Ground Improvement Techniques. Eight Semester 8th Engineering Economics and Cost Analysis CE2. Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures CE2. CE2. 04. 1 Bridge Structures. CE2. 04. 2 Storage Structures. CE2. 04. 3 Design of Plate and Shell Structures. CE2. 04. 4 Tall Buildings. Prefabricated structures CE2. CE2. 04. 6 Wind Engineering. CE2. 04. 7 Computer Aided Design of Structures. CE2. 04. 8 Industrial Structures. CE2. 04. 9 Smart Structures and smart Materials. CE2. 05. 0 Finite Element Techniques. MG6. 85. 1 Principles of Management. CE6. 01. 3 Bridge Structures CE6. Storage Structures CE6. Tall Buildings CE6. Prefabricated Structures. CE6. 01. 7 Experimental  Analysis of Stress. GE6. 75. 7 Total Quality Management. CE6. 01. 8 Computer Aided Design of Structures. CE6. 01. 9 Industrial Structures. CE6. 02. 0 Finite Element Techniques. CE6. 02. 1 Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures. CE6. 02. 2 Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering.